If you’re not a climber, you won’t come here. There’s no reason to. And yes I came here for climbing, and only sport climbing. It was a labor day weekend and I took two days off so it became a long weekend. I literally invited every climber friend (well it’s like EVERYONE I know in Salt Lake City), friends invited friends and it became a super fun weekend.
We’re a group ranging from 5.10 climbers to 5.12/13a climbers. We had campfire every night, mainly talked about climbing, where to climb, funny climbing experience, and something not so important.
Behind the scene - I bought an ascender before this trip for photography. But I didn’t get a ladder and it made pulling up a big nightmare. It was more tiring than climbing…. It was really fun getting some photos from the top. I also noticed that it got painful after sitting in my harness for a while. I definitely want to do more climbing photography but I also want to climb… it’s a hard choice!