The longer I work in the industry, the more I understand the power of GOOD design. It doesn’t just make the brand look good (which is what most people think is why they need “design”), it tells a better brand story, and it solves business problems.

So what is GOOD design?

The goal of design is to solve a problem. A product must solve the user’s needs - functionally and emotionally. Design is not art, which can be more about self-expression. GOOD design makes decisions around the users, not based on the preferences of designers, marketers, or even CEO. “Looking good” is the result, not the cause.

What does GOOD look like?

This is very subjective. There’s no universal way of GOOD looks. A 50-year-old married male does not dress the same as 17-year-old single male teenager. They appreciate different types of music, decorate their rooms in different ways, talk in different manners and follow different accounts on social media (probably using different platforms too). So it’s very important to understand who your target audience is and design for them. Design by community (having all the stakeholders involve in design feedback) will only create something that doesn’t work for any audience.

What does GOOD business mean?

Since I know the power of design, I’m more conscious about what impact I have. Thankfully I’m in the position that I can select the companies I’m working with and I’m grateful for the opportunities those brands offer. Here are the rough criteria for a GOOD business-

  • Take care of their people and respect the relationships with the customers, vendors, creators, etc. Treat everyone equally and pay fair.

  • Planet > profit: care about their impact and the environment. Minimize waste and be conscious about if their strategy encourage consumerism

  • Be honest and transparent about their process and work

  • Give back!

  • Grow sustainably - otherwise, the company will just be struggling, let alone paying fair, giving back…

Obviously, these are all subjective statements. These are just the GOOD people that I like to hang out with and also work with. There’s nothing more exciting than seeing the positive impact you bring from your hard work!
